For more than a half-century, Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre has entertained and inspired generations of families by bringing professional, Broadway-quality, musical theatre performances and professional youth theatre education to the town of Grand Lake.
If Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre has touched your life, you can lend a hand in keeping the Rocky Mountain Rep legacy alive and thriving well into the future. You can make a lasting commitment to the theatre by considering making a bequest through your will or estate plan and becoming a member of the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre Legacy Circle.
Planned gifts do not cost the donor anything today, and they do not take effect until sometime in the future — well after the donor’s other needs have been addressed.
As a legacy donor, you can give a much more significant gift than you could during your lifetime, all while maintaining control of the asset. And you can change your mind if you wish.
Here are some ways you can include Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre in your estate plans:
- Specific Bequest – You bequeath a specific dollar amount or specific asset from your estate.
- Percentage Bequest – You can bequeath a percentage of the estate…1%, 5%, 10% or more.
- You can use a life insurance policy you no longer need — or a percentage of an insurance policy.
- You can include Rocky Mountain Rep in a beneficiary form from your IRA or retirement account administrator, your broker, or your bank.
Bequests and beneficiary designations are simple and flexible, and they can truly make a difference to the theatre!
If you already have your estate plan updated, executing a simple codicil will take only a few minutes. If you have not recently had your estate plan updated, you can simply add a bequest to the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre as a part of your new will when your attorney prepares it. (See sample bequest language below)
If you would like to make a bequest via your life insurance, retirement plan, or other financial accounts, simply ask for a beneficiary designation form from your insurance agent or financial advisor/administrator and designate Rocky Mountain Rep as a recipient of a charitable gift.
The Legacy Circle
Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre will recognize Founding Members – those who declare their membership in the Legacy Circle during our initial appeal – on a commemorative plaque in the theatre lobby. We will additionally highlight Legacy Circle members by including their names in our playbill for the upcoming season (with your permission of course!).
Please consider lending a hand now so that we may continue to touch the hearts of patrons for generations to come. Demonstrate your commitment by clicking on the link below for the Letter of Intent and returning it to the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre office.
The mailing address for the administrative office is: Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre, P.O. Box 1682, Grand Lake, CO 80447.
Thank you!
Sample Language for Bequests
Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre
Specific Bequest
I give and bequeath to the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre the sum of $____ [or specific property] to be used for its general purposes.
Percentage Bequest
I give and bequeath to the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre ____% of my estate to be used for its general purposes.
Residuary Bequest
I give and bequeath to the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to be used for its general purposes.
Contingent Bequest
In the event that any of my above-named beneficiaries shall not survive me, or shall die during the administration of my estate, within ninety (90) days from the date of my death, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give and bequeath that beneficiary’s share of my estate to Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre to be used for its general purposes.
For more information about the Legacy Circle or other types of legacy gifts, contact the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre office at 970-627-5087.
Link to the Legacy Circle Enrollment form / Letter of Intent